2004-05 Varsity




2004-05 Varsity
Front row: Scott Rogerson, Kevin O'Keefe, Matt DiPerna, Matt Lostumbo, Jeremy Roberts, Owen Reilly Back row: Scott Fitch (Head Coach), Steve Hare, Neil Hallimen, Mark Callanan, Matthias Von Heydebrand, Cory Magee, Kelly Condello, Corey McAdam, Rob Hernandez, Doug Cunningham (Asst. Coach)


Section V Semi-Finalist

Section V Finalist


Head Coach: Scott Fitch
Assistant Coaches: Doug Cunningham

Game Results

Team Data Explainer

The information presented on this page has been sourced from different mediums and is intended to be as accurate as possible. We based our overall Win/Loss records on all games played, rather than league vs. non-league, division vs. non-division, etc. Therefore we have situations where the Team Summary may mention a different Win/Loss record. We have noted any known inaccuracies and/or gaps in this team’s data below. (NR – means “Not Reported”)

Missing Data


(If you have any corrections or additional data, please feel free to let us know via our Contact Us page.)