1929-30 Varsity




1929-30 Varsity
Front row: Roy Saporito, Fred Phillips Second row: Fred Weisenberger, Earl Barnhart, George Salmon (Captain), Ralph Burrus, Edward Dunn Third row: Arthur Steffen, Donald Ostrander (Manager), Mike Barrett, Howard Richardson (Coach), Francis Wood, Thomas Dowd


Head Coach: Howard Richardson
Barnhart, Earl
Barrett, Mike
Burrus, Ralph
Dowd, Thomas
Dunn, Edward
Emery, Claude
Fitzgerald, Duke
Hodgson, ?
Phillips, Fred
Salmon, GeorgeX
Saporito, Roy
Steffen, Arthur
Weisenberger, Fred
Wood, Francis

Game Results

Game#/DateW-LScoreGame Info/Opponent
10W17-14East Rochester
11W28-15East Rochester
14L16-38School of Commerce

Team Summary

* Extracted from Fairport’s Hourglass Yearbooks, unless noted otherwise.

When Coach Richardson issued the call for Basketball this year, one of the greatest and strongest groups of cage stars answered the call. To all indications we were headed for a great year on the court. We had back this year the veterans – Barrett, Weisenberger, Burrus, and Captain Salmon. Along with these boys there was such excellent material as “Shackler” Dunn, “Farmer” Wood, “Duke” Fitzgerald, “Ted” Philips, “Barney” Barnhart, “Gervasi” Saporito with which to build a team able to uphold the fine record already made by Fairport in basketball.

The season was started in great fashion by trouncing a big strong Victor team to the tune of 17 to 23. This was one of the best played games of the year despite the lack of practice due to football. We next encountered our first league foe which proved to be Pittsford. Due to the fine work of Barrett, Wood and Barnhart we succeeded in walloping them by a large score. To tell the type of ball the lads were playing, the veterans Burrus and Capt. Salmon were content to sit on the bench in order to have a greater team for Fairport. Whatever happened at this stage of the season is a question. Whether the boys became a bit over-confident or careless we do not know. At any rate the team traveled to Irondequoit and were badly defeated by that team 25 to 17. Incidentally this team won the League Championship and the right to play in Rochester. At this stage of the race Fairport took a reversal of form. We did succeed in beating a strong Brockport quintet but the next week we were practically put out of the running by a defeat at the hands of Spencerport.

All the rest of the season due either to ineligibility or selfishness on the part of several players, we played just fair basketball. With all this fine material we were not able to produce a consistent winner for old Fairport.

The season was a success in that we won more games than we lost, which is some consolation. The bright spots on our schedule were those two humiliating defeats administered to our ancient enemy, East Rochester, which made up for that football defeat earlier in the fall. We also broke even with Webster much to our own satisfaction. The game over here was one of the best exhibitions of real fight and spirit ever shown by any Fairport team. Webster got the jump on us at the very start and at half-time led by 14 to 6. Some pep was put into the boys by acting-coach Salmon and the boys went forth to battle to the very end. Anyone who saw that game will verify this contention when we say it was the best up-hill battle the boys staged all year. If they had fought like this in some of the other games, the outcome in this League might have been different. One other game we would like to dwell on was that Alumni game. The old grads came up very confident of taking those “fresh kids” into camp. The first half certainly looked it when the score read 11 to 4 for the Alumni. Coach Richardson must have given his boys some special talk or else it was that candy given by our faithful supporter, Mr. Tinney. At any rate they came back the last half and passed that ball around in grand style to put the skids under Captain Powers and his bunch of old grads. A word must be said in behalf of Art Watson for the good game he put up. He showed his old-time dash and good eye to advantage but the school boys were not to be denied.

Well, boys, we didn’t set the world on fire with our basketball but we did have a lot of fun, hey “Mike”? Boys, remember the trip to Corning and who read “Daddy” Farnsworth’s letter? Boy, wasn’t he mad? Who were the prowlers up in the Club? Maybe Doud could better answer that than we. What did you do with all those towels, Claude? You must have had enough to start a small sized hotel of your own, hey? We cannot verify this but it was reported that “Ted” Streppa took a bath four times while he was at Corning. Not because he needed them, you understand, but because as he said, he wanted his money’s worth! By the way, Dave, have you thawed out yet from your ride home? If you had not wanted all the blankets, we would not have had to throw them out. (Ha! Ha!) Several of the young men attended a party given in their honor while they were at Corning. It was reported that “Daddy” Farnsworth amused the young ladies present both by his speech and his antics which are really good if you have seen them. Many of you will no doubt wish to know where “Shackler” Dunn received his nickname. Well, it was like this. The night of the Spencerport game Dunn said he wanted to play the ace of the Spencerport team, Kincaid. Not wishing to disappoint the young lad, Coach Richardson gave his consent. That game is a nightmare to many of us yet. When the smoke had cleared away Kincaid had scored a total of twenty points! Thus we have “Shackler” Dunn due to his ability to shackle the opposition!

Perhaps you have become tired of our ramblings so we will get down to facts once more. The prospect for a great year next season looms up due to the amount of material available. The only ones graduating are Hodgson, Burrus, Emery and Salmon. Yet not one of those lads played regular this year. We shall have a full team back consisting of Captain Barrett, Wood, E. Dunn, Weisy, Saporito, Phillips, Barnhart and Russell Dunn who will no doubt make the varsity next year. With the great experience gained this year we look for a successful season next year and we, the 1930 Seniors, extend to you every wish for a great and successful season. May you all pull together because, after all, that should be your aim on any team. We predict that if those lads once get the spirit of teamwork, they will put old Fairport back on the map where she belongs after a few years of mediocre play. Don’t forget, boys, we will be in the stands pulling for you to come through because we know you have the ability and all you need is to acquire grit, fight, and determination for a successful season.

Following is a short summary of Basketball under the supervision of H. G. Richardson, during three years. Fairport won 30 and lost 27 for a percentage of 52.8%. It is interesting to note that in six contests with our ancient foe, East Rochester, Fairport has captured five of those six games. In six games with Webster, Fairport has captured four of six games. This at least speaks well concerning our competition with our nearest enemies. Those games are always the hardest games on our schedule and it is a credit to the school and to Coach Richardson that we are able to point with pride to such a fine record.

Team Data Explainer

The information presented on this page has been sourced from different mediums and is intended to be as accurate as possible. We based our overall Win/Loss records on all games played, rather than league vs. non-league, division vs. non-division, etc. Therefore we have situations where the Team Summary may mention a different Win/Loss record. We have noted any known inaccuracies and/or gaps in this team’s data below. (NR – means “Not Reported”)

Missing Data

Partial Player Attributes

(If you have any corrections or additional data, please feel free to let us know via our Contact Us page.)