1927-28 Varsity




1927-28 Varsity
Front row: Paul Gears, Lorainne Barrett, Howard Richardson (Head Coach), Nelson Hogan (Captain), Mr. Tinney (an ardent supporter), Richard Powers, George Salmon Back row: Arthur Watson (Captain-elect), Jerome Doyle, Merrill Watson (Manager), Clayton Brewster, Harold Marsh, Thomas Guinan


Head Coach: Howard Richardson
Barrett, Lorainne
Brewster, Clayton
Doyle, Jerome
Gears, Paul
Guinan, Thomas
Hogan, NelsonX
Marsh, Harold
Powers, Richard
Salmon, George
Watson, ArthurX

Game Results

Game#/DateW-LScoreGame Info/Opponent
1WNot reportedVictor
2LNot reportedEast High
3WNot reportedSpencerport
4WNot reportedWebster
5WNot reportedIrondequoit
6WNot reportedPittsford
7WNot reportedWebster
8WNot reportedSpencerport
9WNot reportedEast Rochester
10LNot reportedEast Rochester
11LNot reportedGreigsville (Tournament)

Team Summary

* Extracted from Fairport’s Hourglass Yearbooks, unless noted otherwise.

It took Coach Howard Richardson one year to break into the list of championship coaches. He was graduated from Colgate University last June, after a brilliant career as an athlete and student. He played four years of Varsity baseball, and served as Captain in his Junior year. He also played three years of basketball. In his first year of football, he developed an undefeated football team, which was scored upon by only four teams.

With a practically new basketball team consisting of only one of last year’s champions, he won the championship of Monroe County League. This is the second straight year that the cup has been brought to Fairport. With a return baseball team and with Coach Richardson’s experience, a banner season is expected in baseball.

Our basketball season began in the latter part of November, our opening game being with Victor. Victor proved to have not much opposition but the following week things began to be a little harder. East High downed the Red and Blue by a ten-point margin. Coach Richardson made his statements and gave optimistic views of a championship team. Finally the opening league game was played. Fairport beat Spencerport by a very close score, the teams showing very ragged teamwork. The next game they beat Webster after a thrilling game. The two teams battled to a tie for three extra periods when finally the game was disputed by Webster. Irondequoit could not hold back the onrush of field goals for Fairport was now rounding into shape. Pittsford was supposed to be a showy contestant for the cup but they were defeated by the Red and Blue. In coming to Fairport, the Pittsford boys received the worst beating in the league history. Pittsford was able to score only three points. It was now midseason and our hardest games were yet to come. Our team was bound for Rochester and so this did not make any difference. We won from Webster with decided ease. But then came one of the hardest games of the season. That was with Spencerport on their own court. They gave the Red and Blue a tough battle but “Glenn” Marsh proved his long-shot ability and settled the game. The last two games were with East Rochester.

East Rochester was favored to win but Coach Richardson injected his confidence into the boys and we brought back the cup for another year.

We lost a hard game to East Rochester at Fairport, the first league defeat in two years. We went to the tournament but were frightfully beaten by Greigsville, a team that ordinarily wouldn’t offer any opposition. But let’s forget that defeat and prepare for another cup this year. We can take care of every one we get, so let’s make it three years in a row and here’s to a greater and more successful season in 1928-29.

Team Data Explainer

The information presented on this page has been sourced from different mediums and is intended to be as accurate as possible. We based our overall Win/Loss records on all games played, rather than league vs. non-league, division vs. non-division, etc. Therefore we have situations where the Team Summary may mention a different Win/Loss record. We have noted any known inaccuracies and/or gaps in this team’s data below. (NR – means “Not Reported”)

Missing Data

Partial Player Attributes

Game Results

(If you have any corrections or additional data, please feel free to let us know via our Contact Us page.)