1928-29 Varsity




1928-29 Varsity
Front row: Paul Gears, Ralph Burrus, George Salmon, Arthur Watson (Captain), Frederick Philips, Richard Powers, Francis Fitzgerald Back row: Howard Richardson (Coach), Harold Van Norman, Earl Barnhart, Clayton Brewster, Francis Wood, Thomas Guinan, Duane Crichton (Manager)


Head Coach: Howard Richardson

Game Results

Team Summary

* Extracted from Fairport’s Hourglass Yearbooks, unless noted otherwise.

The Fairport High School basketball season of 1928-1929 was not as brilliant as those of the two years previous, but it shows that the old fighting spirit is still retained by us and will continue to be evident in the years to come.

The local record for this year was six wins and twelve losses. Captain Watson, who was the mainstay of the local team, scored a total of 155 points for the season, or nearly as many as the rest of the squad combined. He tallied 63 times from the floor, or five less than the sum total of all his team mates.

The season was very unusual in the fact that Fairport lacked men to aid their captain in scoring. Paul Gears and Dick Powers played exceptionally strong defensive games during the season, and they also, contributed in the scoring line. Clate Brewster played well despite a physical handicap, which forced him to retire before the season closed. Fairport proved weak all season on the free throw line, averaging only .400 of their attempted shots, while their opponents averaged .600 or better. Constant foul shooting practice proved fairly valuable, but it has never been up to standard.

Fairport will lose several letter men: Watson, Gears, Powers, Van Norman, and Brewster, by graduation, but Coach Richardson claims there are good possibilities in Phillips, Fitzgerald, Wood, Hodgson, Saporito, Barnhart, Dunn and Burlingame. The letter men who will be graduated sincerely hope that the basketball season of ’29 and ’30 will be equally as good as ours was and perhaps better. It is up to you basketball men of ’29-’30 to keep the torch burning and to fan it into great flames of endeavor.

Team Data Explainer

The information presented on this page has been sourced from different mediums and is intended to be as accurate as possible. We based our overall Win/Loss records on all games played, rather than league vs. non-league, division vs. non-division, etc. Therefore we have situations where the Team Summary may mention a different Win/Loss record. We have noted any known inaccuracies and/or gaps in this team’s data below. (NR – means “Not Reported”)

Missing Data

Partial Player Attributes

(If you have any corrections or additional data, please feel free to let us know via our Contact Us page.)